Friday, January 15, 2010

Volunteer to Beef Up Your Resume

If you are currently out of work, it is a good idea to spend some of your time
volunteering.  Volunteering can give you some recent experience to put on your
resume, and you can learn new skills or practice some skills you already have.
Choose your volunteer experience wisely.  Make sure you pick an organization
that you would like to work for (in case your volunteering works into a job
offer).  Also, choose a volunteer opportunity that will give you a chance to
learn new skills, or that uses skills that you would like to use in a new job.
Finally, make sure you pick an organization that inspires you.  If you are
passionate about the environment maybe you should volunteer with
I Love A Clean San Diego or if you want to raise awareness about domestic
violence, or homelessness you could volunteer at the YWCA of San Diego 
County .  Here are a couple of links to get you started researching
volunteer opportunities in San Diego.


Volunteer San Diego

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