Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cover Letter Resources

Most cover letters today are actually e-mails, or a box to fill in on a web site,
but don't drop the formality of the traditional cover letter just because there is
no actual piece of paper. You should still use proper English and not text
messaging short cuts. Don't assume that a hiring manager knows what lol
(laugh out loud), kit (keep in touch) or other short cuts mean. Along the same
line, don't use trendy spellings for words like gunna for going to, or cuz for
because. Treat an introductory e-mail (cover letter) as a formal document.
You are more likely to get your resume read and be asked in for an interview
if you stick to these few simple rules.

Here are some resources for writing a good cover letter:

Cover letter video

Step by step video

50 sample cover letters

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