Monday, January 11, 2010


If you have a car, don't forget the added expense and the problem of parking in
San Diego.  If you are going to a career center, to an interview, or you are starting
your new job, give yourself plenty of time to find parking.  A better bet, and probably
a better deal, is to take Metropolitan Transit System or MTS.  You can type in your
location and destination on their web site and you will be able to print out four different
routes to your destination.  Remember to type your trip in reverse to so you will know
which bus or trolley to take on your return trip.  If you are connected with a social service
in San Diego, it is possible that they will provide you with bus tokens or a bus pass. 
Currently, the cost for an adult monthly pass is $72.  A monthly pass for senior and
disabled is $18.  To get a disabled bus pass you need to take a photo ID and a letter
from your doctor to the transit station.  At the transit station they will issue you a disabled
ID that you need to carry with you to buy your bus pass and to ride the busses and trolley.

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