Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Marine Corps Community Services - MCRD San Diego

An excellent place to apply for work is Marine Corps Community
Services at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD).  In order to
get past the gate you will first need to be put on a "Depot Access List."
You can sign up to be put on the list from their web site.   In order to
drive on the depot you will need a driver's license, vehicle registration,
and vehicle insurance.  I recommend applying in person at human
resources, just make sure you read the requirements and follow the
directions in order to assure access to the depot. 

1 comment:

  1. I had to work at MCRD for a couple of days and took the MTS San Diego line 10, which has a stop right by the main gate of MCRD, on Pacific Highway. The bus line extends from from Old Town to 60th and University. Base is fairly small and easy to walk to.
